This directory contains a replacement for none2.obj. As you may know, if you link your code with none2.obj instead of libsn.lib, it will not start properly, but another program can load and run a program linked with none2.obj and regain control when the none2 program (child program) has completed. The differences are that none2 doesn't set up a new stack pointer, clear the bss, or re-initialise the heap, and at the end of the program (ie when you fall out of main()), libsn does a break $1, whereas none2.obj does a nop. There is a problem though ! Newer versions of libsn have the hand variables _ramsize, _stacksize (for artifically setting the sizes of these things), and __heapbase, __heapsize, etc etc for telling where various segments of your program are (for those who program in C) (like me). But none2.obj doesn't have these variables. Luckily I have constructed a bastard offspring of the two, none2.lib, which doesn't do all the things none2 doesn't do (stack, heap, bss) and does do some of the nice things libsn does (__heapbase, etc). So now you can link up your child programs, but also tell where everything is. Great.